Mayor Thomas M. Bernabei, City of Canton | City of Canton website
Mayor Thomas M. Bernabei, City of Canton | City of Canton website
Today, the Canton Police Department released additional records concerning the arrest of Frank E. Tyson on April 18th. The incident began with a crash at the eastern limits of Canton, Ohio. After the crash, Mr. Tyson left his vehicle and proceeded on foot to an AMVETS establishment in Canton Township.
Before officers made contact with Mr. Tyson, two 911 calls were placed from the AMVETS location to the Stark County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center (STARCOM). The newly released records include these two calls to STARCOM, one call to the Canton Communications Center (CANCOM), and body-worn camera footage from the responding officers.
The release of this information is part of an ongoing investigation into Mr. Tyson's in-custody death.