1027 Madison Ave.001-02-01-02$45,000Property Tax (2018): $1,029.51Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.29%Buyer: Frank E. Bycraft Jr.Seller: Patricia Snyder
634 Wright Ave.001-03-02-04$20,000Property Tax (2018): $1,531.71Effective Property Tax Rate: 7.66%Buyer: Your Forever Home LLCSeller: Dustin M. and Jessica Ackerman
345 W. Market St.001-03-02-05$90,000Property Tax (2018): $2,007.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.23%Buyer: George Charles and George KatelynSeller: Steven W. and Elizabeth A. Jarvis
1150 Northview Ave.001-03-03-09$300,000Property Tax (2018): $6,322.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.11%Buyer: Michael S. Janis and Angela LambSeller: Sharlee Edwards
2140 Western Ave.001-04-04-01$97,200Property Tax (2018): $1,267.65Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.30%Buyer: Riley EthertonSeller: Randall and Lois Digman
12560 Union Ave. N.E.$52,500Property Tax (2018): $1,680.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.20%Buyer: Homes 4U Tri County Inc.Seller: Community Loan Servicing LLC
532 S. Linden Ave.001-06-03-03$22,200Property Tax (2018): $836.73Effective Property Tax Rate: 3.77%Buyer: Bautina McKinzieSeller: Tanya Gregory
1496 Lambert St.028-03-01-04$190,000Property Tax (2018): $3,423.37Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.80%Buyer: Jason and Marjorie HawkinsSeller: Kevin Haines
319 W. Oxford St.001-03-02-04$12,000Property Tax (2018): $479.52Effective Property Tax Rate: 4.00%Buyer: Igotrehabs LLCSeller: John Marshall
15840 Dixie St. N.E.$122,000Property Tax (2018): $2,912.03Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.39%Buyer: Francis BabbSeller: Virginia Stewart
1178 Northview Ave.001-03-03-09$329,000Property Tax (2018): $4,845.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.47%Buyer: Ralph M. III and Cora J. SharpeSeller: Daniel A. and Sandra B. Davia
1413 S. Liberty Ave.001-06-04-04$21,000Property Tax (2018): $579.15Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.76%Buyer: Fredrick L WurglerSeller: Rhoda J Wurgler
321 Kentwood Ave. N.E.028-03-01-04$210,000Property Tax (2018): $3,967.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.89%Buyer: Name Withheld By Request.Seller: Anthony W Whitacre
930 W. Cambridge St.001-03-02-03$96,250Property Tax (2018): $2,767.77Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.88%Buyer: Jennifer and Jeremy CoxSeller: Phillip W. and Debra K. Cox
753 Vincent Blvd.001-03-03-06$141,000Property Tax (2018): $2,004.75Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.42%Buyer: Chad R GibsonSeller: MacKenzie P Tracy